Go Hard or Go Home!

The first rule of Fit Club is… let’s talk about it!

I’m in the midst of a 2 month challenge (bet with my boss :P) to get back in shape. I’m on a pretty strict diet (no rice???) and have gotten back to working out (yay football and Planet Fitness!) several times a week.

I’ve started a blog to track my progress along t he way. Since I know a bunch of you may be into staying physically fit too, it’d be cool if we could do it together!  I’d love for you to share your experiences on the blog – just let me know and I’ll send you the login. This way we can motivate and encourage each other and make sure we don’t cheat on our diets and get to the gym when we have to.

Hope to hear from you soon!  Go Team Fit Club !

The link to my new fitness blog is: www.doorbellmedia.com/fitclub


Can’t Bear to Be Away So Long

Hey, what up, cubs and bears?  Rumors have been swirling about regarding the return of Xanga.  Well… the return of bloggers to Xanga.  Going back and reading old posts and getting all nostalgic, you can’t help but wish to come “home” again.  That and I need a creative outlet.

The evolution of a thought.

Heading Home From Work 10 AM: “A man isn’t a man until he’s spent the night on the couch in his office”

Revised thought: “A man isn’t a man until he’s fought a bear.”

Twitter: Bears are so gangsta but need to work on their image. Yogi, Smokey, Teddy, Care Bears, Winnie the Pooh been givin em a bad rap for too long.


What’s up with bears? Bears are cool. They’re savage, ferocious, beasts. How come all the famous bears are wusses? Yogi Bear, Winnie the Pooh, Smokey the Bear, Teddy, and all the Care Bears. If I was a bear I’d be furious that these were the guys representing me and all of Beardom. One of these guys steals picnic baskets and hangs out with a midget bear. One is an emo bear who hangs out with other emo animals and drowns his sorrows in honey. Another is just a tool with a stupid hat and another you cuddle with when you go to sleep at night. And the rest could have a full-fledged gay bear parade all by themselves. And what about that one bear who hangs out in your laundry and makes it all soft? Now, by themselves there isn’t anything wrong with these bears but they definitely are misrepresenting their kind to the rest of the world. Kinda like when George W. Bush was our president.

With these “soft” bear ambassadors how can bears get any respect from the rest of the animal kingdom. No wonder so many people get mauled by bears. We are conditioned to think that bears are these big, cuddly, soft, friendly things that we can go up to and just hug.

Not the case. At least not yet.

I was thinking, why don’t we domesticate bears. How long did it take to domesticate dogs? Bears would be so much more useful to have around. They could help you move big stuff like your fridge or your broken down car. I would much rather have a bear protecting my house while I’m away than some lazy dog. If I had to go out late at night in some sketchy area I’d take my bear with me to protect me.

“Rawr! Stay close to me, Jaems”

“You bet your furry butt I’m staying close, Mr. Bear. We in tha hood.”

But then I suppose other people would bring their bears and it would just end up being a vicious cycle of bear violence. Bear on bear crime. It would be unbearable.

So in conclusion, I suppose the bear community will have to endure this gross misrepresentation. All they can do is grin and bear it. As for those of us who wish to have domesticated bears, we will have to do without this luxury and get by with just the bear necessities.

Throwback Tuesday

It’s nice to reminisce:

Hi School!

So I spent the past two weeks working at a high school down in
Englewood, Florida.  It was a nice time and with this experience I made
a few observations.

-high school kids are pretty much the same as when I was in high school despite the ipods, cell phones, and the internet

-i still dress like I’m in high school

-i’m older than some of the teachers

-it takes a special kind of person to work in a high school

-i am not that special kind of person

-i’m still not cool

-i’m cool with not being cool

-you learn a lot of useless stuff in high school

-learning a lot of useless stuff can help you figure out what is important to you

-my high school self is a lot more booksmart than my adult self

-my adult self is a lot more street smart and common sense smart than my high school self

-i thought I was really smart when I was in high school

-i realize that I’m not that smart

-im still trying to figure out a lot of the same stuff I didn’t figure out when I was in high school

-spending two weeks in a high school has helped me to figure out some of that stuff

-i’m a lot more grown up around young people than I am around my friends

-i still have a lot of growing up to do

-why do young people want to be older and old people want to be younger

-i don’t feel much older than these high school kids

-i am much older than high school kids

-$5 at the arcade goes a long way

-$5 at the arcade doesn’t go as far as it used to

-going to the library with friends to work on your report is fun

-chatting with friends online while Googling info for your report is not as fun

-the internet has a lot more info than the library and you don’t need a ride home from it when you’re done

-kids still cheat on tests by writing answers on their hands

-kids can be so dramatic
-adults can be so dramatic

-i wish I did more “stuff” when I was in high school

Sporadic rainfall in Florida.  Catches you off guard like a broken lock on the restroom door at the Indian restaurant.

Sweatin’ to the oldies

My coworkers and I started and ended the day on point: http://1015thepoint.com/

Be easy… it’s Throwback Tuesday

Continue reading

Don’t You Know That Things Go In Cycles?

Once A Fool Always A Fool

What is it about video cameras that make people act the fool?  I had to
shoot some footage in Times Square today and in a short time dealt with
the following:

– Some guy asking me if I wanted to film his junk while untucking it

– A street vendor wanting to fight me because he thought I was filming his table of “I ❤ NY” t-shirts

– An idiot honking obnoxiously and swerving dangerously close to me in his van while I was filming by the curb

– No shortage of fools making stupid faces, waving crazily, and yelling into my camera lens while I was trying to film something

Why is it acceptable to disrupt someone with a camera while s/he’s
working?  I’ve never seen other people working in public get hassled
this way.  You don’t see random people:

– running up and strumming a street performer’s guitar or banging on their keyboard

– grabbing a traffic cop’s whistle and blowing into it madly

– grabbing a street artist’s brush and repeatedly stabbing his canvas

– grabbing the entire stack from the flyer guy and throwing it into the air, screaming triumphantly

– running up to a breakdancer while he’s doing a backspin and spinning
him the other way or tackling him while he’s doing a headspin

What kind of pride and satisfaction is derived from making funny faces
and yelling moronically into a camera?  If mom was watching the evening
news with friends and saw her son acting the fool, would she proudly
declare, “That’s my boy!”  What if I was filming “When Idiots Attack”?
 Why would someone want immortalize themself as a fool?  Thinking back
to family vacations and other outings, I’m left wondering why there is
always that one dumbass stranger who has to jump in and ruin a group
shot.  I study those photos and burn the images of those A-holes into
my memory so that if I ever run into them again I can say, “Hey
remember that one time you ruined my family’s picture at Disneyworld?”
 Then I would punch them in the face and say “Bet you wish you got a
picture of that” and then run away, laughing maniacally.

The End

PS.  I exhausted all my synonyms for idiot in this post.  I opted not
to use nincompoop, nitwit, and simpleton because no one talks like that

Kidding Around

I stopped by a playground in Chinatown today.  Seems the like the kiddies are getting in their last bit of summer.  I have to admit I’m slightly bummed about summer ending as well.  Oh well, guess I better go shopping for my new bookbag, trapper keeper, and pencil case.

BB Photography

Get Up To Get Down

Vegas Strip

…more to come

Something To Talk About

Another sign that the kid is growing up.  I’m gonna miss flipping that screen to chat on AIM like a 15 year-old girl worried about whether that hoodie at Hollister is sold out or not.  One time a producer asked me which teenage girl I beat up to get my phone.

BB users PM me your pin so we can be chatrats.
Everyone else –
AIM: stilljaems
Googletalk: jaemsmail

Sidekick 3 – $250 with rebate from t-mobile 2007
Blackberry Curve – $255 on eBay
Almost losing 2 weeks worth of freelance work billing info and 400 + address book contacts, sustaining mild myocardial infarction, and dealing with accountability-evading customer service reps – Pricey

Throwback Thursdays

What up, Thundercats and Thundercat Ho’s?  Welcome to this edition of Throwback Thursday.  With everyone going green, I’ve decided to jump on the bandwagon and start recycling… old posts.  That’s right.  I have nothing else to serve up right now except for leftovers, but hey… I’m old school like that.  Keepin’ it real, son.

So from back in the day, Xanga 2002, the year http://www.xanga.com/jaems was born…

Throwback #1

Throwback Pic – August 2002

What you know ’bout canoes on dubs, son?  That’s how we roll.

Independence Day(s)

Would you go to the movies alone?

“Hi.  One for the 7 pm showing please.”
“How many??”


“Yes, I am watching a movie alone and I’m ok with that.  No, you may not have any of my popcorn.”

Feels somewhat pathetic, no?  I would totally go to the movies alone.  Would I feel like a loser doing it… probably.

There are certain things that are seen as social activities.  Are there valid reasons for one to avoid doing these types of activities alone?  No.  However, you might be perceived as eccentric for going it alone. 

“Will someone be joining you for dinner?  Shall I wait to take your order?”

“No… now bring me one of everything on the menu.  It’s gonna be a long night.  I hope you wore comfortable shoes, buddy.”

It takes a good deal of character and self-assurance to indulge in an activity normally reserved for two or more by yourself.  Would you go on vacation by yourself?

Can you imagine walking around Disneyworld all by yourself with your Mickey Mouse ears on?  You walk around the Magic Kingdom wide-eyed and amazed and turn to tell someone how exciting it is to be there, and there’s no one there.  You pose with Mickey and Goofy and Pluto for a picture and there’s no one to take it.  Years later as you recall the vacation, you ask aloud, “Hey remember that great trip to Disneyworld?” and  someone responds, “No, you went alone.”

Pathetic.  And I would totally do it.

There are benefits to taking the independent route.  Your schedule is your own.  You can see all the things you want to see without having to balance out the itinerary with things someone else wants to see.  You can ride that ride as many times as you want.  You can wake up and get started whenever you want.

Many times we opt not to do something simply because we don’t have someone to do it with.  The truth is many activities traditionally done in groups are so much better when done alone.

Totally doesn’t suck alone:
Vacation – do all the things you want to do
Dining – no one to eat your fries and pick at your meal
Long drives – less weight for the car to carry.  Gas is expensive.
Concert – concert tix and t’s are way expensive.

Karaoke – if you’re going to look stupid, look stupid alone.

Going to the bathroom (typically girls) – Trust me.  Taking a dump alone is better.  Feel free to get your grunt and push-face on.

Being independent is great but it’s only part of the equation.  We grow
from completely dependent babies to independent individuals to
interdependent achievers.  Our greatest successes come as a spouse or a
team player.  Sometimes it’s just better to have someone
with you.

Sucks alone
Chess, checkers, Twister, spin the bottle, baseball, poker, tennis,
thumb wrestling, arm wrestling, frisbee, double-dutch and pretty much
any kind of game or sport

Getting in a fight –  This could go either way.  Fighting yourself looks
stupid but you may inadvertently end up starting a Fight Club.

Fighting monsters – always good to have backup when fighting monsters.
 If you have to flee, hopefully the other person is slower and the
monster will catch them first.

Dirty Dancing – dancing alone, ok.  Dirty dancing alone.  Not ok.

Unfortunately there are things in life that just plain suck no matter what.

Sucks either way
Watching a chick flick

Going to prison

Getting punched in the face

Getting mauled by a bear or basically any event that results in you getting killed

They say before you can have a truly successful relationship, you first
have to figure yourself out.  You have to be independent before you can
be interdependent.  So I’m going to work on me.  And I’m going to start
by going to the movies alone… confident, self-assured, and alone.
 Its going to be great, a brand new beginning, an evolution, if you will.  Wanna come?