I have a strong affinity for NYC.  I dunno why.



I like bubble tea.  It has little chinese balls in it.  I like to put as many little chinese balls in my mouth as possible and chumpy-chomp them.  Almond and Taro whet my appetite.



We waited an hour for pork buns, siopao or as I like to call ’em, bohbao’s.  Many others crowded into the little bakery and waited patiently for the bohbao’s.  The old guy yelled into the intercom to the back several times.  I think he was saying, “Don’t make me come back there and stiff punch you in the bohbao’s” because eventually he went to the back and there was commotion and yelling.  He is my friend.  If I clench a piece of bologna between my buttslabs, will people line up for it too?

Look at the stars how they shine for you…


Grrrr… I hate serious blogs… well at least when I do em, but try and get through this and I promise I’ll try not to disappoint you..


Ok, so everyone is blogging (what a nasty word blahggging) about how great this summer was.  And I agree… And I’m really glad that my sister had such a great summer.  I think my mom mentioned that my sister looked at my old pics and saw how much fun I had a few years ago, and now finally her time has come… her time


So this summer was something for me too… In many ways I, and my friends tried to relive past glory… in fact there was even this “reunion” (another thing that skeeves me is people who make quote marks with their fingers when talking..blah) that I and some friends planned… it was planned…  somehow, it kinda struck us all at the same time, that the summer we had years ago was so great and so much had happened since then, that we really needed to get back to that… all that goodness… but unfortunately the reunion was kinda a bust… don’t get me wrong I really enjoyed hanging out, but it definitely wasn’t what was those many summers ago…


so what does this all mean… i dunno… i’m too busy watching the colored sand slip through my fingers…


i’m standing on the banks of resolution with the tides of uncertainty ebbing away at my footing…


I wish these nights would never end… someone told me they don’t have to…


Random thoughts




*do wooden teeth get soggy?


*when u choke on something u drink water. if u choke on ur drink, what do u do? eat a sponge?  eat fire?


*if i swallow lots of string, holding one end, and pooting out a little more, can i floss my insides?


*squiggle me timbers.


*we send noise and crap into space.  do aliens hide from us cause we’re the jehovah’s witnesses of the universe?


*if 2 midgets have a baby is it smaller than them?  if that baby and another midget’s baby have babies is it even smaller?  if this keeps happening can we make smurfs?


*what does food taste like to a chicken?  One chicken to another, “Hey Frank.  This tastes like you.”


*if i stop sleeping completely will i die and how long does that take?

Taking 1 for the team…

I was walking down the hallway at work today when I spied a coworker walking into the bathroom.  The wheels of mischievousness began to spin in my head.  I entered the bathroom a few moments later.  A guy washing a spot out at the sink, a man tinkling at the urinal… ah yes… my coworker… entering a stall…  I proceed to enter the stall next to him in order to conduct the day’s most pressing business…


“Unngghhh… ungghhh.. son of a … unggghhhh”


Snickering from the stall next to mine


“Oh lord… unggghhhh… ”


Sounds of a man trying to stifle laughter


“Oh…”  Poot!


Sounds of a laugh induced fart… it’s staccatto and sharp…


“Please Lord… hahahah…. RELEASE THESE DEMONS!”


Uncontrollable laughter bursts from both stalls


I work in a corporate environment.  Stuff like taking a dump among business men, farting and laughing, grunting and pushing… ah yes… there’s nothing like it…  I lead a sad life.



Artist’s rendition of the suspect



Well ain’t this something… apparently the cure for insomnia is Xanga.  Maybe I should count Xanga’s jumping over a fence.  Maybe I should have a cup of warm Xanga.  Maybe I should hit myself in the back of the head with a big Xanga.  Maybe I should look in the fridge and eat some cold Xanga.  Maybe I should take a nice long walk on the Xanga.  Maybe I can wait until the Xanga comes up.  Maybe I can fight people in a basement and start my very own Xanga club.   Maybe I can go and buy a bottle of Xanga to help me catch my ZzZz’s.


Why do I have insomnia you ask.  Sorry…  as omniscient as Xanga is, it does not know everything.



I have a deep appreciation for China.  My friend from work recently went to Hong Kong.  He gave me some pics of himself and his girlfriend and his cousins and friends (see above).  I told him that I’d post ’em on my Xanga.  I posted the one of his cousins and friends because the people demand it.  Maybe if I went to Hong Kong I could get my own friends that I could post here… Ah well, thanks fer letting me borrow your friends Vincent.  They exhibit classic Chinese stylings (note hand gestures and winking)!  And I only thought that was in cartoons.