The Go, Go, Go Issue

In This Issue


-1-           Editorial


Hey, kids and keds.  Weird, didn’t I just post?  Feels like it’s way too soon to be posting again.  But, hey you gotta do what you gotta do.  And not just that but you gotta do it when you gotta do it.  And I gotta do it.  Get it?  Got it?  Good…

Yuck, I feel rusty or something.  Maybe I’m past my prime.  Perhaps, I should have retired from Xanga a long time ago.  I love Jordan, and it almost hurt to see the decline in his level of playing towards the end of his career.  Were it anyone but Jordan, it may have detracted from the legend and tarnished his greatness.  However, I can understand how difficult it must have been for Jordan to let go of something he was so passionate about.  At any rate, I’m certainly not the Jordan of Xanga, but the point was/is: am I due for a retirement?  Well if anything, I should at least adopt a “Post every post, like it’s your last” approach.

Ok, homework assignment.  In one word or more, describe what Xanga means to you.

Xanga, my xanga, is my manual for life.  Though initially on a subconscious level, I gradually came to realize that Xanga was the perfect medium for me to capture and record my life lessons.  Part of the learning process is taking what you’ve been exposed to and regurgitating it, but in your own words, your own understanding.  So I take what I learn, and I weave it into a nonsensical story about Smurfs, or penguins, or ninjas.  Now, please don’t make the mistake of thinking that I post with the intention of teaching what I’ve learned.  It would be illogical to attempt to teach the teacher (“Now student become master!”).  That’s right, folks – I learned it by watching you! (one of these days, I’m going to have to do a “Spot all the obscure references in Jaems’ post game”)  I may have mentioned it before, but one of my favorite pastimes used to be spending hours and hours drinking coffee and just talking, preferably one on one or in a very small group.  Sometimes it could take hours and hours to break down the other person’s walls, so they could feel comfortable and secure with me and just be real about whatever.  It didn’t matter who my company was, because there’s something to be learned from everyone, a new perspective with which to see the world from.  My whole theory was, take whatever good lessons you can from these folks who’ve been gracious and trusting enough to share it with you and implement it in your own life.  The next part of the learning process – application, taking what you’ve learned and putting it into practice.  In that regard, Xanga becomes a help once more, because it’s serves as a check for me.  I post something, I gotta stick to it, right?

Ok, so that was a long, boring segment about nothing.  I’m supposed to be telling some jokes now, no?  Maybe later.  Right now, I’d just like to thank you for teaching me with your posts and your comments and I hope that I’ve been able to make you smile more times than I’ve made you feel that way you feel when someone accidentally farts in front of you and then it’s all quiet and then the smell kicks in and it gets even more quiet and there’s so much tension that your body feels like the fibers in the fabric of a Smurf’s pants (man, those are some form-fitting pants).

Be easy.

16 thoughts on “

  1. i dont think youre due for a retirement. i really cant think of one or more words to describe what xanga means to me. i’d have to think really hard about that one… and since it’s one o’clock in the morning, i really dont feel like thinking. i dunno if i’ve taught you anything with my post/comments… whatever… but you certainly have made me smile! yay!

  2. Well, in ONE word, eh?  I was just BORED one day, and decided to create one. I thought it would be an outlet where i could write,…but i dont really have good thoughts like you!

  3. just when i was beginning to think that Jaems’ xanga was going to be a quarterly publication… 
    what if it wasn’t an “accidental” fart?  i bet some people just let it rip for the heck of it on a super-crowded subway train! 
    anyways, to me xanga is like a kettle.  i just dump all my liquified thoughts into xanga and wait for it to whistle.

  4. i used to think xanga was so boring.. then i met this seemingly quiet fellow who showed me how wonderful this world can be. [insert corn here] you can make it what you want it to be: your journal, billboard, outlet.. whatever. but after reading this particular xanger’s page [yes, jaems, it’s you!].. i was like, hey, i wanna be cool like him!
    but anyway, xanga is my mental toilet.. boy, that’s alotta crap! it’s like therapy and i like to walk around and check out rooms of the other patients
    happy blogging, e’rbody.

  5. xanga is great. sometimes. but its not gonna be the same with out you! so never leave =) and farting, is even lovelier. haha.

  6. Jaems says: 
    “I hope that I’ve been able to make you smile more times than I’ve made you feel that way you feel when someone accidentally farts in front of you and then it’s all quiet…”
    ROFL~   Jaems^^ /cheer ~~**i think i wubbaz you and y’r Xanga personality…
    Y’r posts are very well-rounded; And you are a /master /teacher  =P

  7. i took the advice that i suggested to you awhile back and decided it was pointless to post them because i would have a better chance of retaining the memory if i just print them and have it on hand. why, do you miss them? no way!
    by the way,  is this a new post or a repost? i sense a little familiarity. i do read your posts, ya know…unlike some people. *ahem*
    okay, i’m a moron. it ended up in your 2/14/05 post for some reason.

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