The May I See Some ID Issue

Hey, all you handstamps and wristbands.  I am going to do it.  I am going to attempt a real blog.  I unearthed one of my old Xanga notebooks circa 2004.  It might be assumed that I would have the privilege of saying something to the effect of, “Man I was stupid back then.”  The sad reality is that I was probably smarter.  And braver.  And any other positive -er adjective you can think of.  Oh, wait.  I’m starting to get into the topic of my blog.  Right, then, let me get to it.

Be easy.

Time Traveler Straddler

I am afraid.  I am dying.

Well, in the philosophical sense that we are all dying.  Despite my most juvenile efforts (that is to say my efforts at maintaining youthfulness), I have come face to face with my own mortality.  I have a torso composed of street hotdogs and obscene smelling chicken and rice from the Halal lunch carts.

Yes, it was my slow metabolism afflicted gut that promptly informed me that I am not a kid anymore.  In fact, I am way past kid.  It was a sad day when I had to give up the “-teen” suffix and now shortly I’ll be losing the “twenty-” prefix. 


19 really doesn’t seem that long ago and because I so firmly straddle the past and the present, I am left quite disoriented.

For instance, I have no accurate gauge of how old people are.  People I meet through work oftentimes seem old as hell to me.  It’s a big shock to the system when I later find that they are around my age.  Young bucks whom I encounter I think to be around my age, only to find out that while they were eating Corn Pops and watching Power Rangers, I was crushing chicks in the club.  Well, not so much crushing chicks at the club but more crushing on chicks… in 10th grade Latin Club.

Aside from the fact that my body is reluctant to part with the processed meats I ingest and clings to it like a young girl to her first relationship that is swiftly dying because boyfriend is going to college where it’s a hot girl buffet, and my inability to distinguish a milf from a prom queen, there are other telltale signs that I’m getting older.

Practicality has become a priority in my life.  There was a time when I could go more than a month without wearing the same outfit (with the exception of underwear of course.  Who has 60 pairs of underwear?  Oh… girls).  Now, I’ve whittled the wardrobe down to about 3 pairs of jeans, a few button downs, some tees, and 3 pairs of shoes (1 pair of sneakers, 1 pair of work, and 1 dress).  That’s pretty much what’s in rotation.  It seems I’d rather scrimp all my pennies together in the hopes of one day having enough for a downpayment on a condo, than being all flossed out at the next birthday party at Applebees.  Sheesh.

Then there’s culture.  It’s difficult to describe the feeling of hearing “Back in the day… kickin’ it old school” preface a song on the radio that’s still on one of my current ipod playlists.  I don’t listen to the radio and have considered referencing Now That’s What I Call Music just to stay up to date.  Pathetic.  Also, the fact that I have to visit several times just to be able to decipher someone’s blog is disheartening.

As old age creeps up on me, I can’t help but lose my train of thought in the middle of writing this blog.  What else did I want to say?  Maybe I need a nap.  I nap like I should be wearing cardigans and a hearing aid and taking out my teeth and putting them in a glass of water at night.  Dreamy.

So what really prompted this blog?  Perhaps the current marriage epidemic that has engulfed and ravaged my peers.  Perhaps it’s the fact that switching careers at this stage has put me in a regressed mindstate.  Well, whatever the case may be I have acquired one bit of wisdom along my arduous travels.  And that is we must treat life like a girl with a heavy menstrual cycle at a good ass freestyle battle and just go with the flow.  So, age back down.  You can’t fade me like an afro.

The Back to Basics Issue

What up all you Pokemons and Pokegirls?  I’ve often thought, “If only I could go back and relive parts of my life knowing what I know now.”  I know that with age comes wisdom (hopefully, since some of us stay stupid for a really long time and by us I mean me.)  But at the same time I know that as we get older, life gets more complicated.  Sometimes it gets so complicated that you lose sight of what’s really important.

So I’d like to simplify my life as much as possible and get back to the things that are truly important to me and bring me happiness… like my Japan videos… and Xanga of course 😉

Also, I think I need a vacation.  Where should I go next?  I want to do another vacation reality show.  Care to join Season 2 of “_______ (fill in the blank) Boys”?

Live life.

Be easy.

My Trip to Japan!: Harajuku Boys Episode 4

The List Issue

Hey, all you milk duds and
chocolate milks.  This issue is all about lists.  I think they are a
great way for keeping life organized: to-do lists, mp3 playlists,
grocery lists, bucket lists, top 10 hottest girls of all time lists,
and menus (menus are lists of food, mmmm good reading)  I even have
physical to-do lists which consist of highly organized piles of things
around my room categorized by priority of “will-get-to-somedayness”. 
Also, if you’re lazy, it’s an easy, no fuss no muss way to blog.  What
is muss?

What kinds of lists do you keep?

Be easy.

Why I Like Babies

-I can practice jokes on them without feeling embarrassed if they don’t land.
-I fart but they poop their pants.
-They don’t talk that much and they don’t ask any questions.
-You don’t step on their feet when you dance.
-They will listen to everything you have to say and won’t offer advice or judge you when you are done.
-Cheap dinner. $2.49/gallon milk.  What?  Babies can’t drink regular milk?
-Like to take naps.
-They don’t care how much I make.
-If I say “I love you” and they don’t say anything back it isn’t awkward and I still mean it
-I don’t feel stupid or neglected when they ignore me.
-They are portable.
-I also enjoy the practicality and comfort of a “Onesie”.
-I drool when I see a hot chick.  They drool all the time.
-Babies are a good biceps and shoulders workout.
dig babies so I try to keep a spare one on me at all times.  At
weddings and other such events I borrow my friends’ babies and play the
single father card.  “Why oh why did she have to leave me and baby alone to fend for ourselves?”

-They been rockin’ bedhead since before it was cool.
-They cry for no reason and it reminds me of when I had a girlfriend.
-I have an excuse to watch cartoons.
-No need to get all deep and insightful when we converse.  In fact I can say nonsense words and they don’t care.
-They like funny faces and funny sounds.
-Problems are much easier to solve.  They’re either hungry, wet, or sleepy.  Adults are much more complicated.
-They smell like babies.
-They act like funny little drunk people but aren’t annoying and their puke is much easier to clean up.
-You can move their mouth and give them a Mr. T voice and it’s funny.
-I can sing to a baby and not worry about my horrible singing voice
-Best smile

Why Toddlers Are Like Little Drunk People

-incoherent babbling
-often in some state of undress, i.e. shirtless or depantsed
-wobble around struggling with balance
-fall alseep anywhere
-pot belly (cute at 2 but not 22)
-sudden yak attacks
-very emotional
-difficulty paying attention
-need to be carried home
-like to pee where you’re not supposed to pee
-everything is funny to them
-don’t have money


OnePlusYou Quizzes
and Widgets

thanks to sargasm for the fight link

Friend Openings – Inquire Within

say choose your friends wisely.  Well, call me Dumbledore because I am
posting my prerequisites for friendship.  These are some of the
attributes I strive to uphold (although rather unsuccessfully at times)
and look for in others.  We are now accepting applications.  Operators
are standing by.

-Good sense of humor
-Someone I can talk to
-Athletic or at least the inclination for physical activities
-Good listener
-Good hearted
-Creative in some way
-Eager to learn

funny because all the things I’m looking for in a friend are the things
that I’m also looking for in a girlfriend.  I think of a girlfriend as
your best friend whom you also happen to be physically attracted to. 
That’s why I prefer to be friends with a girl first before I start
dating her.  Because if I can’t make a friendship work, for sure I’m
not going to be able to make a relationship work.

think with the right ingredients and the right recipe you can create
something wonderful.  And that something wonderful is sweet buns with

He Doesn’t Fight Fair, He Fights Famous

Celebs I could beat up
Seth Green, Jason Schwartzman, Pete Wentz, Lil Wayne – they are small like a lollipop
Jon Heder – he’s always squinting so may not see my lightning attacks coming
Billy Bob Thorton – he looks like he’s always drunk
Bloom – without his bow and arrow and band of merry men, he’s nothing. 
He looks fragile like porcelein statues that grandma keeps in her glass

Good Fight
Lou Diamond Phillips – part asian, part Mexican he gotta be able to scrap
Fergie – I saw her do a 1 hand cartwheel on American Idol and I think she weighs more than me
Uncle Rico from Napoleon Dynamite – his steak slinging skills give him an advantage
Ben Stiller – he looks like he works out and also may try to disable me with the gel
Gary Coleman – he may be a midget but an angry midget is a dangerous midget

I look forward to beating up
Vin Diesel – he has a voice like a monster and monsters must be slayed.
Pitt – pure jealousy.   Curse his abs in Fight Club.  Curse them.  I’m
gonna get killer abs like that and I will shred him like a head of
lettuce at Taco Bell on my belly.

What celebrity do you want me to fight?  What celebrity would you like to fight?

Street Culture – Get Educated!

admit that I’m not as hip as I used to be.  It’s difficult to keep up
with pop culture when I don’t even watch TV or listen to the radio. 
Since I know that fashion is cyclical, instead of trying to keep up
with today’s slang, I am merely going to resurrect old sayings.  So
instead of being behind the times, I’ll be a trendsetter.  So allow me
to get you updated on the latest street jargon.

Get out of town – No Way!: Jaems is blogging on Xanga again?  Get out of town.
Whoop there it is – Dang look at that butt!: Is that Jaems tying his shoe?  Whoop there it is!
Knocking the boots – Getting yo groove on: I heard Jaems never be knocking the boots.  Sike, get out of town.
Fine – Beautiful: Dang, that girl so fine she blow my mind.
that and a bag of chips ahoy – superlative of all that: Keira Knightley
is all that but Jennifer Love Hewitt is all that and a bag of chips

go girl – Good job: You’re man just broke up with you so you maxed out
your credit card shopping at the mall to get over him?  You go girl!

‘head wid ya bad self – Go for it!: You’re man just broke up with you
so you’re gonna max out HIS credit card shopping at the mall to get
back at him?  Go ‘head wid ya bad self.

Getting jiggy wid it – I still don’t know what this means

What old sayings do you think are funny?


Hey, all you Nesquiks and soy milks.  If you know me then you know that I like to ask a lot of questions (see here and here).

So I have another question for you… what do you think of all my questions?  Should I quit it already?

Be easy.

Game Time

Can you find the Jaems in this video?  The winner gets 500 e-props.

Eh, forget it.  I don’t want to take your 5 minutes of life away.  If you’re interested, I’m all the way at the very end.  I have more facetime in this next episode.  Work is fun.  I love it.

It occurred to me that maybe I should actually say something in this post.  Well the night before the shoot I received an e-mail saying “Make sure you wear rubber soled shoes for the boat”.  Boat?!?

*Begin dizzying and nauseating flashback*

By far, the most torturous experience I’ve ever had was not the phase where I was listening to Phil Collins’ greatest hits, was not when I was a kid and the old guy doctor would tell me to turn my head and cough, was not when I worked at Wendy’s and spilled a hot bucket of grease drippings all on my chest… it was when I went out for 6 hours on a fishing boat.  It was to be a manly adventure with all the boys navigating the seas and pillaging the waters for our fishy treasure.  But noooooooo.  Thanks to my inner ear imbalance or whatever it is that causes me to get motion sickness, I spent 6 horrendous hours nearly immobilized on pile of wet rope, save for my frequent bursts to the railing to expunge whatever stomach contents that remained into the ocean for all the sea creatures to nibble on.  Never again!

Until this shoot.  Yikes!

Well I’d love to weave this tale through a twisting and turning plot, with a momentous climax and sound resolution but… I won’t.  The boat stayed on the Hudson betweent New Jersey and Manhattan and didn’t go out into open water.  And though it was a little rough out, I was perfectly fine.  *Phew*  I’d hate to get fired from a job for yakking too much.

But please don’t ask me to go fishing anytime soon.  How about bowling?  You like bowling?

What is something you have done or experienced that you never want to do again?

Be easy.