Switch Hitter

January 2006Am I going to be in a cubicle the rest of my life?

After 5 years of meandering through college, I got a degree.

After 5 years of working in a corporate environment, I asked myself,
“Is this where I want to spend the rest of my working life?”

As kids, my brother, my friends and I would spend countless hours and
sleepless nights making movies.
 We always ad-libbed the storylines and
had the most ghetto effects.  Like the “disappear” and the Jean Claude
Van Damme multiple angle instant replay action shot.  We were
relentless in our movie making and entire summers were consumed by it.
 As we got older and schedules got more hectic, we’d still try to plan
get-togethers with the sole intention of making a movie.

So as I pondered my bleak future in my cubicle, I made a decision.
would study as much about tv and film as I could and break into the
business.  I would buy books and magazines and watch movies, because
going back to school at this point was not financially feasible.
 Besides what would my parents think of my seemingly rash decision to
scrap my career in exchange for such an impractical, unpredictable one?
 That would mean goodbye 401k, benefits and bi-weekly paychecks.  And
so, I resolved to devote any spare time I had to studying the craft.

March 2006
– I use my hard-earned corporate dollars to buy a prosumer camera, the Panasonic DVX100b.

May 2006
Serendipity pays me a visit.  A production company decides
to shoot an episode of a cubicle makeover show in my office with one of
my coworkers.  One of the producer’s fathers works in my office and was
the one who arranged the shoot.

When the shoot happened I was completely engrossed.  It was so
fascinating to me and it was happening right on the other side of my
cubicle wall.
 I stood on my chair and peeked my head over the high
wall to get a better look.  And the actors started incorporating me
into the scene!

Another bit of fortune.  They were shooting on the same model
camera that I just bought!  This was my chance!  So I started making
friendly with the crew and talking to them about the camera.

But what really got me in was when I spoke with my coworker, the
producer’s father.  I explained to him how interested I was in
production and asked if there was anything he could do.  Maybe help me
get an internship?  He simply told me to contact the owners of the
production company.  He said that they were friendly and always looking
to help people out.  And he was right.

I spent the next half year doing an internship at their offices after my
regular job.  They knew how badly I wanted to get into production and
by the year’s end they were able to help me secure a full-time job as a
production assistant to a great cameraguy.

It’s been an amazing ride so far
and I really feel like I’m making good
progress.  I’ve worked on some really cool projects and met all kinds
of interesting people.  Recently, that company where I first interned
at had me back as an audio mixer on a reality show.  It makes me think
I’ve come full circle because I got to be a crew member on the show
that I used to tapelog (watch footage and transcribe dialogue…
boooring!) as an intern.

I recently shot the wedding for one of the owners of the production
company I used to intern at.  It’s funny because the 2 hosts from the
cubicle makeover show were there.  When I told them of my experiences
they seemed happy for me.  Ironically, one of the hosts now has a
corporate job.  Guess we did a swap.

So how to wrap all of this up?  I guess I feel really fortunate. I get
to do something I love
and really it’s because things happened for me.
 I tried to make things happen but I really feel that more than that,
things happened for me.  And I’m really grateful for that.

Click below to see the beginning and end of my acting career (scroll down to the Cubicle 90210 episode)

Click below to watch one of the shows I recently worked on.  It was such a fun production.


Stuff I Like

-Finishing a book

-Driving away from the car wash in a freshly cleaned car

-Cool early morning


-The 2nd time around


-Epiphanies and revelations

-New places

-Running and the clarity of mind that comes with it

-A hard workout and the right playlist

-Folding my laundry and putting it away

-Personal emails and letters

-Cool postcards

-Stuff that brings back old memories

-Hair, a week and a half after I got it cut



-90’s music

-Genuine smiles and hearty laughter


-Cooking my own meals



-Writing, even if it’s just a birthday card

-Beautiful images and the right music




-The smell of coffee and breakfast

-Finding a cool shirt

-Sweater weather

-A rainy day when I’m indoors and not working

-Same thing on a snowy day

-Mom singing and cooking



-Old pictures


-Live music
-Road trips
-Deep introspection
-Shower before bed
-People watching
-Wokka wokka wokka
-My job

I Am Peter Petrelli

I have long thought of myself as someone who had potential, albeit
untapped.  In fact I believe everyone has an extraordinary ability.
 It’s just a matter of finding out what that is.

Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan, Lance Armstrong… what if they never
picked up a golf club, dribbled a basketball, or rode a bike?
  What if
they had the internet growing up and all they did was blog and chat all

I wonder if everyone has an opportunity to discover what their ability
is.  I’m sure starving people in South Africa couldn’t care less about
how far they could drive a golfball.

So what about me?  I’m afforded just about every opportunity under the
sun.  Well… just about.  What if I excel at dog sledding or
underwater ballet?
  Or what if I have the power to see directly into
the sun and see little fire people up there desperately trying to tell
us that we should move to Mars because rent is cheaper there, but since
we’re always told not to look directly into the sun I never find out
and we all end up having to pay really high rent forever.

Is there any fate or destiny guiding our paths toward self-fulfillment?  Can I at least get a clue?

The stripper angel in Can’t Hardly Wait, which stars the
incomparable thespian Jennifer Love Hewitt, said to Ethan Embry’s,
breakout star of Empire Records, character, “Fate can only take you so
far, the rest is up to you.”

And so I finally did have my chance encounter with fate.

I have the ability to bend time.  Unfortunately, I can’t do it by myself.

There is another who either possesses the same ability as I or acts as
the catalyst for my ability to manifest.  Or vice versa.  I’d like to
think I’m the one that has the power.  At any rate…

“Our” power did not become apparent until we were encapsulated in a
sphere independent of the time and space laws of others.  That is to
say, we went on a date.

The subsequent time we spent together was never near enough for our liking.  I could be hours and hours in her presence but the total time we spent
together would equate to roughly 10 minutes of normal people time.  Gone in a flash.

So I could manipulate time.  I just couldn’t’
control the power yet.  Especially difficult was the time we spent apart.  A few days felt like weeks. 
More often than not we were saying goodbye and hellos were too far off.  We were time’s captives.  Some power, huh?

Eventually we had to part ways.  We were rapidly aging… losing time at an accelerated rate and it was taking its toll on us.  Our sphere was not a refuge as we thought it was, and the power was consuming us.  Even when we parted, the effects of the power did not dissipate immediately. 
Each day
shortly after the departure was agonizingly long.
  Like the moments
when you are gasping for air after an intense run or almost drowning.
And now, as I think back to our time together however long it may be in reality, it is millions of years away for me. 

It makes me wonder… would I have been better off picking up a golf club?  I doubt it.


I wanted to end this post on a positive note.

***DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction… but I do have powers.  Like hadouken and spinning piledriver.***

I Thee Wed

Herro.  I come bearing gifts.  I have video for you.  No, it’s not Harajuku Boys Episode 4.  It is Honolulu Boys Episode 1.  Well… it’s some clips from a wedding I shot for a friend in Hawaii back in December.

Hawaii was rockin’.  I rented an apartment in a hotel right on the beach in Waikiki.  It was pretty beautiful out there watching the sun rise and all that business.  I’ll tell you more about it and post a vid of the scenery later on.

I am at the stage where my peers are getting married off like troops are being shipped off to Iraq.  And if they aren’t on their way to getting married, they are totally updating every online account available in hopes of nabbing a winner.  Let’s be really real.  Online “networking” sites are as much about working that net and catching that big fish as they are about updating your status message so all 267 of your acquaintances know what mood you’re in, who you are slapping with a trout, and what you are listening to on your iTunes at any given moment.

Why is the wedding day such a big deal for girls?  It’s so much more complicated for girls than it is for guys.  Guys go to the strip club like the night before.  Haircut optional.  Girls have a bridal shower and get fitted for dresses and set up the registry and approve flower arrangements and yakety yak yak yak.  It like the one day they live for.  And it usually happens pretty early in life.  So my question is what do they have to look forward to after the wedding day?  Having a baby?  Too bad humans don’t lay eggs, huh?  But then Mommy would probably make Daddy sit on it from time to time whilst she goes about her business of helping friend’s plan their weddings, doing pilates, and shopping at the organic grocery store.  I wonder if fart penetrates eggshell.  That could be trouble.


Anyway, I’m sure this wedding madness stems back to early civilizations where parents had to practically sell their daughters into marriage and now over thousands of years it’s taken on some kind of magical, Disney-like connotation.

It’s not so much the dress or the cake or shade of the bridesmaid’s dresses that matters.  I guess what it all boils down to is that you’ve found someone.  Someone that you can confidently say you want to spend your life with because you love them with every bit of your being.  Why else would you make that kind of a promise to someone?  That’s nuts!  How do you find something like that?  Props to everyone who has found it, including my buddies who are jumping ship this year.  Guess it’s a new kinda roadtrip you guys are going on.  Enjoy it!

For the rest of us still searching… it’ll come… it’ll inevitably come… not unlike the morning poo that breaks butt just as the sun’s golden rays kiss your distended belly with morning glow after a long, drawn out night of White Castle.  What a wonderful feeling love is.

The Return

Hey, long lost cousins and distant relatives… what is this place?  I don’t understand Xanga anymore.  I could barely figure out how to create a new post.  I don’t think anyone comes here anymore.  My subscription updates were slimmer than… I don’t know… Asian guy dongs.

Anyway, I wanna update and add some videos and stuff.  Maybe even a vlog.  I wanna tell you about my day and all that jazz.  I want you, Xanga… to be my new girlfriend so that I can update my status on Facebook to “in a relationship”.  So there you have it…. I said it… I’m saying it… I’m asking…

Xanga… will you go steady with me?

Be easy.

The Miss You Issue

In This
-2-     Chatterbox


What up, bubblegums and Big League Chews?  Listen, I’m not back or anything like that.  I really don’t have anything to talk about anymore.  Weird, no?  I feel like my life is busier than it’s ever been, but I don’t have 1 dang thing to say about it.  Um… I have some pictures on flickr in case you’re interested.  Did I tell you guys that I quit my job?  Yeah, goodbye to the security of the corporate world with its free cups of coffee and pens and paperclips, hello to the uncertain world of freelance video production.  Speaking of which, I had to go and look for my own medical insurance which was interesting.  Below is one of my attempts at doing such.  I still don’t have any coverage so don’t none of you try to run me over.  I only have band-aids and vitamin C tablets to get by on. 

Oh yeah, what am I doing here?  Just letting you know that Episode 4 of Harajuku Boys will be up on Monday night.  Why did it take me a year to produce the next episode?  I told you, I’ve been busy looking for health insurance.  So blame the delay on Chava who you’ll meet in a few moments.

Be easy.


The next eHealthInsurance representative will be with you shortly
Chat Information
You are now chatting with ‘Chava’

Chava: Welcome to eHealthInsurance’s live chat service. How can I help you today?

James: hi
James: i’m looking for health insurance
Chava: Have you had a chance to look at the plans we offer in your area?

James: wanna know if you have plans with dental included
Chava: Dental
may be an optional benefit attached to a medical plan (depending on the
benefits of the specific plan). You can click on the ‘optional
benefits’ link or ‘more plan details’ link for this information. u003c/span>u003cbr>nu003cspan styleu003d”color:blue”>u003cb>u003cspan>James: u003c/span>u003c/b>u003c/span>u003cspan styleu003d”color:red”>u003cspan>i’m looking to spend around $200/month if possibleu003c/span>u003c/span>u003cbr>nu003cspan styleu003d”color:blue”>u003cb>u003cspan>James: u003c/span>u003c/b>u003c/span>u003cspan styleu003d”color:red”>u003cspan>if i go with an epou003c/span>u003c/span>u003cbr>nu003cspan styleu003d”color:blue”>u003cb>u003cspan>James: u003c/span>u003c/b>u003c/span>u003cspan styleu003d”color:red”>u003cspan>is there a possibility that i’ll end up in an emergency room and the hospital won’t take me?nu003c/span>u003c/span>u003cbr>nu003cspan styleu003d”color:blue”>u003cb>u003cspan>Chava: u003c/span>u003c/b>u003c/span>u003cspan styleu003d”color:black”>u003cspan>Depends on the situationu003c/span>u003c/span>u003cbr>nu003cspan styleu003d”color:blue”>u003cb>u003cspan>James: u003c/span>u003c/b>u003c/span>u003cspan styleu003d”color:red”>u003cspan>what do you mean?u003c/span>u003c/span>u003cbr>nu003cspan styleu003d”color:blue”>u003cb>u003cspan>Chava: u003c/span>u003c/b>u003c/span>u003cspan styleu003d”color:black”>u003cspan>Younhave some very important and specific questions. It would be best fornyou to give us a call at (800) 977-8860 (option #1) and one of ournlicensed representatives can discuss your questions in greater detail. u003c/span>u003c/span>u003cbr>nu003cspan styleu003d”color:blue”>u003cb>u003cspan>James: u003c/span>u003c/b>u003c/span>u003cspan styleu003d”color:red”>u003cspan>but i want to talk to youu003c/span>u003c/span>u003cbr>nu003cspan styleu003d”color:blue”>u003cb>u003cspan>Chava: u003c/span>u003c/b>u003c/span>u003cspan styleu003d”color:black”>u003cspan>Welcome to eHealthInsurance’s live chat service. How can I help you today?u003c/span>nu003c/span>u003cbr>nu003cspan styleu003d”color:blue”>u003cb>u003cspan>James: u003c/span>u003c/b>u003c/span>u003cspan styleu003d”color:red”>u003cspan>what?u003c/span>u003c/span>u003cbr>nu003cspan styleu003d”color:blue”>u003cb>u003cspan>James: u003c/span>u003c/b>u003c/span>u003cspan styleu003d”color:red”>u003cspan>are you a robot?u003c/span>u003c/span>u003cbr>nu003cspan styleu003d”color:blue”>u003cb>u003cspan>Chava: u003c/span>u003c/b>u003c/span>u003cspan styleu003d”color:black”>u003cspan>YournChat Operator can assist you in navigating through our website,nexplaining terms and definitions, finding a provider, answeringnapplication questions and checking the status of your application. ThenChat Operator will not give you a quote or benefits through Chatu003c/span>u003c/span>u003cbr>nu003cspan styleu003d”color:blue”>”,1]

James: i’m looking to spend around $200/month if possible
James: if i go with an epo
James: is there a possibility that i’ll end up in an emergency room and the hospital won’t take me?

Chava: Depends on the situation
James: what do you mean?
Chava: You
have some very important and specific questions. It would be best for
you to give us a call at (800) 977-8860 (option #1) and one of our
licensed representatives can discuss your questions in greater detail.

James: but i want to talk to you
Chava: Welcome to eHealthInsurance’s live chat service. How can I help you today?

James: what?
James: are you a robot?
Chava: Your
Chat Operator can assist you in navigating through our website.

u003cspan>Chava: u003c/span>u003c/b>u003c/span>u003cspan styleu003d”color:black”>u003cspan>No, I put that in the wrong window. I am multiple chats. I am sorry.u003c/span>u003c/span>u003cbr>nnu003cspan styleu003d”color:blue”>u003cb>u003cspan>James: u003c/span>u003c/b>u003c/span>u003cspan styleu003d”color:red”>u003cspan>man this ain’t even a real personu003c/span>u003c/span>u003cbr>nu003cspan styleu003d”color:blue”>u003cb>u003cspan>James: u003c/span>u003c/b>u003c/span>u003cspan styleu003d”color:red”>u003cspan>i’m so disappointedu003c/span>u003c/span>u003cbr>nu003cspan styleu003d”color:blue”>u003cb>u003cspan>James: u003c/span>u003c/b>u003c/span>u003cspan styleu003d”color:red”>u003cspan>ima have to look at another insurance siteu003c/span>u003c/span>u003cbr>nu003cspan styleu003d”color:blue”>u003cb>u003cspan>James: u003c/span>u003c/b>u003c/span>u003cspan styleu003d”color:red”>u003cspan>can you recommend somewhere i can look to compareu003c/span>u003c/span>u003cbr>nu003cspan styleu003d”color:blue”>u003cb>u003cspan>Chava: u003c/span>u003c/b>u003c/span>u003cspan styleu003d”color:black”>u003cspan>I am a real person, sir. I am human and make mistakes.u003c/span>u003c/span>u003cbr>nu003cspan styleu003d”color:blue”>u003cb>u003cspan>James: u003c/span>u003c/b>u003c/span>u003cspan styleu003d”color:red”>u003cspan>to see if your offerings are the best out there?u003c/span>u003c/span>u003cbr>nu003cspan styleu003d”color:blue”>u003cb>u003cspan>Chava: u003c/span>u003c/b>u003c/span>u003cspan styleu003d”color:black”>u003cspan>Younwill not have to pay any fee to get information from our website,nobtain a quote, or -except in a few cases- apply for a health insurancenplan. If you apply for a health insurance plan and are approved, you’llnpay the regular monthly premium to the health insurance company younchose, but you’ll pay nothing to us. Our fees are paid by insurancencompanies in the form of commissions, which are built into the premiumnamount.u003c/span>u003c/span>u003cbr>nu003cspan styleu003d”color:blue”>u003cb>u003cspan>Chava: u003c/span>u003c/b>u003c/span>u003cspan styleu003d”color:black”>u003cspan>Therenare a few plans on our website that require you to pay a one-timenapplication fee to the health insurance company. These one-time feesnusually range from $10.00 – $25.00, and will always be disclosed to younbefore you start your application. u003c/span>u003c/span>u003cbr>nu003cspan styleu003d”color:blue”>u003cb>u003cspan>Chava: u003c/span>u003c/b>u003c/span>u003cspan styleu003d”color:black”>u003cspan>”,1]

//–> Chava: No, I put that in the wrong window. I am multiple chats. I am sorry.

James: man this ain’t even a real person
James: i’m so disappointed
James: ima have to look at another insurance site
James: can you recommend somewhere i can look to compare
Chava: I am a real person, sir. I am human and make mistakes.
James: to see if your offerings are the best out there?
Chava: You
will not have to pay any fee to get information from our website.

Chava: There
are a few plans on our website that require you to pay a one-time
application fee.

Chava: u003c/span>u003cbr>nu003cspan styleu003d”color:blue”>u003cb>u003cspan>James: u003c/span>u003c/b>u003c/span>u003cspan styleu003d”color:red”>u003cspan>it’s ok. we all make mistakes. i forgive you and hope we can continue this professional relationship in this chat window.nu003c/span>u003c/span>u003cbr>nu003cspan styleu003d”color:blue”>u003cb>u003cspan>James: u003c/span>u003c/b>u003c/span>u003cspan styleu003d”color:red”>u003cspan>ok i gotta gou003c/span>u003c/span>u003cbr>nu003cspan styleu003d”color:blue”>u003cb>u003cspan>James: u003c/span>u003c/b>u003c/span>u003cspan styleu003d”color:red”>u003cspan>i gotta get some insurance before i end up in the hospital with a broke ass backu003c/span>nu003c/span>u003cbr>nu003cspan styleu003d”color:blue”>u003cb>u003cspan>James: u003c/span>u003c/b>u003c/span>u003cspan styleu003d”color:red”>u003cspan>then i gotta go back to pimpin’ just to pay my billsu003c/span>u003c/span>u003cbr>nu003cspan styleu003d”color:blue”>u003cb>u003cspan>James: u003c/span>u003c/b>u003c/span>u003cspan styleu003d”color:red”>u003cspan>peace chavau003c/span>u003c/span>u003cbr>nu003cspan styleu003d”color:blue”>u003cb>u003cspan>Chava: u003c/span>u003c/b>u003c/span>u003cspan styleu003d”color:black”>u003cspan>You’re welcome and have a great day! u003c/span>u003c/span>u003cbr>nu003cspan styleu003d”color:red”>u003cb>u003cspan>u003cimg altu003d”Chat Information” heightu003d”10″ widthu003d”5″>u003c/span>u003c/b>u003c/span>u003cspan styleu003d”color:green”>u003cspan>nChat session has been terminated by the site operator.u003c/span>u003c/span>u003cbr>nu003c/div>n u003c/td>nu003c/tr>nu003c/tbody>u003c/table>nu003cbr>n”,0]

//–> Please
keep in mind that the health insurance premiums on our website come
directly from the health insurance carriers.
James: it’s ok. we all make mistakes. i forgive you and hope we can continue this professional relationship in this chat window.

James: ok i gotta go
James: i gotta get some insurance before i end up in the hospital with a broke ass back

James: then i gotta go back to pimpin’ just to pay my bills
James: peace chava
Chava: You’re welcome and have a great day!
Chat Information
Chat session has been terminated by the site operator.

The Spare Me Change Issue

In This Issue
-1-     Editorial
-2-     Harajuku Boys – Episode 3 ***Update 11.16.06 04:07***

Hey, Dukes and Duchesses.  I’ll keep it short since I’m sure you’re here for the video and not me on a soapbox.  Just want to share a small personal note with you.  My brother left yesterday to go and live in Vegas.  He and I have been together his whole life.  In fact, I really don’t remember much before he was born.  We’ve had a lot of wacky times together and have a ton of childhood stories that we use to blackmail each other with at family gatherings.  There was the time he was in the attic and busted a leg through the ceiling, and was trapped, leg all dangling, shorts all riding up.  There was our spooky ghost encounter while visiting family in the Philippines.  There was our evening ritual of hugging our Pillow People before going to sleep every night to re-energize them.  There was the time our Dad pranked us and put a dummy monster in our room.  That  night we found out that my brother, who superman punched the dummy was the brave one.
To this day, he still is the brave one.  He’s going out there on his own, far away from family and friends and he’s going to make it.  I assured our worrisome parents that he would.  It was a sad day when we stopped sharing a bedroom because as teenagers we just got too big and needed our own space.  Now that he’s heading to the other side of the country, well it’s all the more sad.  But I have a lot of hope and confidence in my kid brother.  And I think his bravery is rubbing off on me.  I’ll tell you all more about that soon.
I love you so much, bro.  Work hard and always remember those things that are important.  Thanks for teaching me about a bunch of them.
Be easy.

Woohoo! – Harajuku Boys Ep 3 was the #72 #59 #34 most viewed Travel & Places video on YouTube today!  Help boost our video by spreading the word!

Thanks for your help, gang!

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#91 – Top Favorites (Today) – Travel & Places – All


The Ask and You Shall Receive Issue

In This Issue
-1-     Editorial
-2-     No Questions Asked
-3-     The Price is Right
-4-     From Russia With Love

Hey, sweets and sours.  What’s new in your world?  Sorry, no video today.  I’m working on Episode 3 of Harajuku Boys and hope to have it done tomorrow or the day after.  Amazing how long it takes to compile 6-7 minutes of video.  In the meantime I thought I’d post up some food for thought.  It’s not good to let thought go hungry.  Malnourished thought is the number one cause of thoughtlessness today.
Ok, whatever – all this stuff is just from random conversations I’ve had, believe it or not, over the years.  Yes, I retain useless information for that long a period.  I reconstructed these IM convesations verbatim from memory.  Kidding… I’m weird today. 
Be easy.

stilljaems (4:25:49 PM): if you could change one decision you’ve made in your life
stilljaems (4:26:05 PM): just one
stilljaems (4:26:13 PM): what would you have for dinner?
sweet lonalina (4:26:32 PM): lobster
stilljaems (4:26:52 PM): if you could be anyone
stilljaems (4:26:56 PM): anyone in the whole wide world
stilljaems (4:27:07 PM): a real or fictional person
stilljaems (4:27:33 PM): would you get a motorcycle?
sweet lonalina (4:27:36 PM): yes
stilljaems (4:29:03 PM): if you could erase one person from your life
stilljaems (4:29:12 PM): totally delete them – every encounter, interaction
stilljaems (4:29:27 PM): and the impact and ramifications of that relationship
stilljaems (4:29:40 PM): what’s your favorite color
sweet lonalina (4:29:48 PM): blue
stilljaems (4:29:55 PM): me too!
stilljaems (4:31:07 PM): i like you
stilljaems (4:31:10 PM): you’re an intellectual

stilljaems (10:57:52 AM): if you could say something to someone close to you

stilljaems (10:58:03 AM): something you’ve always wanted to tell them but never had the courage to

stilljaems (10:58:23 AM): and you could tell them without any fear of repercussions or damage to your relationship

stilljaems (10:58:33 AM): what’s your favorite pizza topping?

maileleilei (10:58:57 AM): wait wait, too many questions

maileleilei (10:59:46 AM): i dont think u finished ur question

maileleilei (10:59:53 AM): pepperoni

stilljaems (11:08:33 AM): if your partner falsely accused you of cheating on them

stilljaems (11:08:39 AM): and you knew that you didn’t

stilljaems (11:09:19 AM): but that your partner would not believe the truth and you would have to tell a lie in order to comfort and assure them

stilljaems (11:09:46 AM): who would be your favorite backstreet boy?

maileleilei (11:10:09 AM): haha

stilljaems (11:13:28 AM): come on

stilljaems (11:13:31 AM): don’t dodge the question

maileleilei (11:14:00 AM): i dont know them

maileleilei (11:14:04 AM): hehe

stilljaems (11:17:02 AM): bah

stilljaems (11:17:23 AM): you and your secrecy… you never open up to people

stilljaems (11:18:23 AM): how are you ever going to grow as a person if you don’t tell people who your favorite backstreet boy is

stilljaems (11:18:37 AM): we won’t judge you if it’s howie

jaems: if you were on a plane taking a trip somewhere
and the plane was going to crash into the ocean
and only survivors would be you and the person traveling with you
and you would have to spend the rest of your lives together on a deserted island
what would your favorite flavor of ice cream be?

chryselle.delacruz: hahahaah…crap…im blushing right now….(people beside me are lookin at me with dismay…what is wrong with her?!??!i almost choked from laughin)

well if u had to ask…..i would say..jamocha almond fudge…labbbsss it

jaems: interesting… that says a lot about you as a person

chryselle.delacruz: really???how so?

jaems: it means you like black asian guys… who are kinda nutty…



For $250,000 would you live underwater for 3 months?  You get a scuba suit, oxygen and some means of staying nourished.


For $1,750 would you wear diapers for a week, and that would be your only means of going potty?  Yes, you may change after use.


For $1,500 would you tape chicken patties under your armpits and keep them there for 3 days?  You must play basketball 1 out of the 3 days.


For $850 would you karate chop a bum in his buttcrack and then slide your hand down and out while singing the Karate Kid theme song?  The bum gets $50 but not out of your pocket.


For $10,000 would you headbutt 100 baby monkeys to death?  Wherever this would happen, there is an overpopulation of monkeys and they will be shot by government officials anyway.  You may either headbutt or tickle them to death.


For $6,500 would you give your dad a piggback ride everywhere you went for a week?  This includes the shower and using the toilet.


For $2,000 would you pour 10 gallons of honey all over your naked body and run around a bear infested forest for 2 hours?


For $1,250 would you eat a booger sandwich?  The boogers are yours and it’s served on white bread with mayo only.


For $3,750 after a bastketball game would you take Shaquille O’Neal’s socks and wring them into your mouth?


For $75,000 would you eat nothing but hard-boiled eggs and vitamins/supplements (to fulfill nutritional requirements) for a year?


For $4,000 would you be put in a coffin and buried for 2 hours?  You have air and a panic button.


For $8,000 would you dress up like a cowboy, sneak up on a gorilla, jump on his back and rodeo ride him as long as you could?


For $7,000 would you tattoo a swastika on your forehead, and dress up like Hitler for a week?  And you have to go about your daily business and can’t tell anybody that you’re getting paid.


I have a bunch more that my friends and I came up with long before Fear Factor and all that jazz.  Unfortunately, they are probably inappropriate for this forum.  If I included chopping a bum’s buttcrack and headbutting baby monkeys, you can only imagine what I didn’t include.




I know a lot of you have been asking, “Jaems, are you talking to anyone?”, “When are you going to get a girl?”, “What’s up with you always talking about your kids in Mexico”, “Why do you always wear cowboy hats and chaps, even to play basketball?”.  Well, guess what?  I’m getting a girlfriend, with the potential for marriage!  It’s awesome, my coworker hooked us up and she’s coming here soon!  I’m so excited and you’re all invited to my wedding at the Econo Lodge next to Newark Airport, here in lovely Jersey.  We’re registered at eBay.


From: Ken (SC US)
Sent: Tuesday, November 07, 2006 11:54 AM
To: James (SC US)
Cc: Paula (SC US)
Subject: FW: hi from Russia



Unfortunately, like Patrick in the email below, I am married and have two kids as well.  But perhaps you would be interested in meeting Maria. As you will see by her note, she plans to travel to the U.S. in the next three days and would like to meet and “have some weeks or months” together.  I am no matchmaker, but it sounds it sounds to me like you kids would really hit it off.  Keep me posted.


—–Original Message—–
From: Maria [mailto:mvskae@cetus-moerdijk.com]
Sent: Tuesday, November 07, 2006 11:35 AM
To: Ken (SC US)
Subject: hi from Russia


How are you? My name is Maria. I am 26 years old. I live in Russia, city Cheboksary. I am cheerful woman, and like to do many things as sport, camping, go to the cinema, theatre etc. In a word I like to do all what like all people. I work in marketing structure on sale of cosmetics. My dream this travel abroad. I know the english language well enough.. I began to study english language approximately one year ago. I wish tell to you history which have pushed me write to you. 8 months ago I have got acquainted with the man from other country by name Patrick. During this time we had good relations. We have understood that our relations become serious and we have decided to meet in his country. I wrote the application for reception the visa. I waited reception of the visa approximately half of year. All time I kept in touch with Patrick through the internet and often called to each other. I and Patrick waited reception of the visa to our meeting.
I have received the invitation from the ambassador for reception of the visa. My director has given me long-term holiday from work and I have gone to Moscow to receive the visa. I informed good news to Patrick, but he has answered, that does not want our meeting. He played with me. He has informed that has the wife with two children and at all has no plans to meet me. I was not ready to such turn of events. I could not think what even after 8 months of acquaintance he can so unscrupulously act with me. Now I am in Moscow trip to Moscow and reception of visa. I do not want that all was gone for nothing and will be glad if my visa will be useful to our meeting. I could arrive already through 4-5 days, but a problem in that that now I have no man which would like my arrival. Probable it will silly sound but if you will be interested in a meeting with the good woman I shall like to meet you sometime soon! As Patrick was dishonest with me I have decided to find the man which is interested to meet the woman from Russia. I do not know your ideas about my letter, but it would be fine if we could meet and have some weeks or months together. On my trip I want to receive rest from my work and a life in Russia. Also the basic purpose for the future it is search good men for serious attitudes which go to a marriage. I have no children, but I want to have children in the future. I am the mature woman and ready to creation of family with good man. I do not know what you really search in the future but if we could meet I shall be happy to discuss with you more about our meeting. What are you going to do this time? It would be fine if we could meet, do friendship or more than simply friendship. I shall be happy if you also have a free time and we could meet soon. I do not know your interests, but anyhow write to me back and I shall tell to you more about myself. Write to me all that you want. Maybe we have similar plans and it will be interesting to us together.

You can write all that you want. Ask any questions which interest you.
Write to me back and I shall tell more about myself and send more my photos.

Please, write to me back on my regular e-mail: marlan111@bk.ru Have a good day,
